Šodien: 04.03.2025
Vārdi: Alise, Auce
[info]kaitnieks rakstīja:

14. Aprīlis 2006 - 22:43

Šitais laikam vairāk iederētos dorianā, bet zinātniekiem trendīgi kļuvis taisīt dažādu fizisku un psihisku slimību virtuālos simulatorus. Vai tas būtu signāls, ka šizofrēnija un citas smadzeņdarbības novirzes kļuvušas par popsu ne tikai pseidointelektuālā vidē?

Compared to the Umeå and Chicago projects, the experience is less vivid, but Yellowlees's Second Life simulation gives insights into the hallucinations that torment people who have schizophrenia. Inside a hospital ward, voices urge you to kill yourself, a floor suddenly becomes a chasm with stepping stones, and the wording on a poster morphs to call you "shitface". More than three-quarters of visitors who completed a survey said it improved their understanding of the auditory hallucinations experienced by people with schizophrenia, while 69 per cent gained a better understanding of the disease's visual disturbances.


(ir doma)